Chemical Physics Work Term Report Guidelines

Co-op Faculty Advisor

Paul Garrett

Student Contact

  • Meetings prior to first work terms are not required. 
  • Contacting by email or in person during a work term is acceptable. 


  • Written reports are the typical format, which could be either of the following two types: Report on actual work conducted (preferred type) OR Report on a literature review about a scientific subject that is related to your employer’s research industrial activity (this type of report may be appropriate when the confidentiality of the actual work becomes an issue for the report; or when the actual work itself may not contain a significant component of scientific inquiry).
  • For the recommended report document structure see the attached evaluation scheme in the Evaluation section below.
  • The aim of the report is to summarize what the student learned on the work term and how it can be applied to future work and academic terms.
  • Reports for an 8-Month Work Term: one can write two work reports, one report at the end of the first 4 months of the 8-month term and the other at the end of the 8-month term; or one can write one longer report at the end of the 8-month work term (in this case, the student will need to inform the Co-op Faculty Advisor by email at the end of the first 4 months of the 8-month term).
  • The work report should generally be around 20 pages in length.
  • Other formats may be discussed with the Co-op Faculty Advisor on a case to case basis.


  • The topic is to be selected by the students who should consult with their employer. Once a topic has been decided, the student should e-mail to the Co-op Faculty Advisor for approval on the topic.
  • Confidential work reports are not allowed.


  • The Co-op Work Term Report - Employer Comments Form is required to be attached at the end of the Work Term Report and it is taken into consideration in grading the reports.
  • The Co-op Faculty Advisor uses the following evaluation scheme supplied by the co-op office as criteria to grade the Work Term Report: Grading Scheme for the Report (notes about the grading scheme
  • Students will be notified when their marked reports are available at the Department's main office for pickup.
  • Any reports that are deemed unsatisfactory would be dealt with individually.