Biomedical Toxicology

NB: These pages are meant to be examples only and not exhaustive lists of what you can do with your degree in this discipline

What Can I Do With An Undergraduate Degree in Toxicology?

•    Environmental Consultant
•    Food and Beverage Product Tester
•    Food Technologist
•    Health Care Consultant
•    Health Policy Research Analyst
•    Health & Safety Officer
•    Laboratory Technician
•    Pharmaceutical Marketing & Sales
•    Public Relations Professional
•    Wellness Consultant  

NB: Jobs within this section may require professional designations (ie. MSc, PhD, MD, DVM etc.)

What Can I Do With Further Education in Toxicology?

•    Doctor
•    Embryologist
•    Epidemiologist
•    Medical Officer
•    Oncologist
•    Pathologist
•    Pharmacist
•    Public Health Inspector
•    Toxicologist
•    Veterinarian

Industries that Hire Toxicology Graduates

•    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
•    Food Processing Plants
•    Government
•    Hospitals
•    Pharmaceutical Industry
•    Product Development
•    Public Service
•    Research Foundations

Companies That Have Posted on Recruit Guelph for This Major

•    Appletree Medical Group
•    Campbell Company of Canada
•    Environment Canada
•    Intertek Cantox
•    Ontario Commercial Fisheries Association
•    T & T Supermarket Inc.

How Can I Gain Experience While at Guelph?

•    Co-operative Education
•    College Royal Volunteer
•    Health & Performance Centre Volunteer
•    Research Assistant (through URA or secured independently)
•    Teaching Assistant
•    Toxicology Students’ Association
•    Volunteer in a Hospital

Career Related Websites

•    Experience Guelph
•    Centers of Disease Control and Prevention
•    Science Careers
•    Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
•    Society of Toxicology
•    Society of Toxicology of Canada