On Campus Resources

On Campus Resources 

Co-operative Education & Career Services offers individual consultations with professional career advisors who are available through daily drop-in sessions. Click here to learn more about drop-in sessions. They can assist you with disclosure in the employment process and how to talk to employers about your needs.


Co-op students are encouraged to speak with their Co-op Coordinator if they have concerns regarding work terms.

Below are other resources on campus that you may find helpful:


  • Counselling Services offers individual counselling sessions to help support students as they work through the personal challenges that impair their ability to succeed at school and in other areas of their lives.


  • Student Support Network offers drop-in peer support from extensively trained students who can provide information, referrals, and a confidential place to talk.


  • Student Health Services - provides health promotion, disease prevention and primary medical care to full-time and part-time, undergraduate and graduate students and their families, as well as visitors to campus.


  • Student Financial Services - provides information and advice regarding students' financial needs including information about OSAP and other government loans, the Bursaries for Students with Disabilities program, awards and scholarships, U of G bursaries, and budgeting.


  • Library Accessibility Services - provides adaptive software, technology access and instruction, study space, and other services designed to help students who are registered with Student Accessibility Services with reading, writing, note-taking and studying.


  • Sexual Violence Support & Education - the Sexual Violence Support and Education Coordinator provides sexual violence support, education & training for students. The Sexual Violence Support and Education Coordinator can be reached by emailing svinfo@uoguelph.ca   




Off Campus Resources


Guelph Resources

  • Guelph General Hospital - If you are experiencing an immediate physical or mental health crisis, please call 911 or go directly to Guelph General Hospital.



  • Community Torchlight (Distress Centre) - Offers free, telephone-based listening, support, referral, and crisis assistance (24 hours a day, 7 days a week) by trained staff and volunteers. All calls are confidential. Also have programs for supporting adults with disabilities in achieving meaningful employment.


  • Self Help Alliance - Offers advocacy support, peer support for recovery from mental illness or addictions, a suicide-intervention support group, life skills workshops and more.


Provincial Resources

  • Good2Talk - free, confidential helpline providing professional counselling and information and referrals for mental health, addictions and well-being to post-secondary students in Ontario. 


  • Here 24/7 - provides addictions, mental health and crisis services via 12 agencies across Waterloo Wellington. They will complete the intake, assessment, referral, crisis, waitlist and appointment booking work for these important programs.


  • Learning Disabilities Association of Ontario - registered charity dedicated to improving the lives of children, youth and adults with learning disabilities. Offers many resources, services, information, venues and products designed to help people with LDs and ADHD, as well as parents, teachers, and other professionals.


  • mindyourmind.ca  - A space where mental health, wellness, engagement and technology meet. They work with young people aged 14-29 to co-create interactive tools and innovative resources to build capacity and resilience.


  • Mental Health Helpline - provides information about mental health services in Ontario from an Information and Referral Specialist who will answer your call, email or web chat 24/7.

National Resources